Moonriver Audio
Inspired by the famous song, Moonriver Audio is a combination of the vintage and the contemporary in audio reproduction.
Classic, timeless, user oriented design. Organic texture acquired within an open space, dynamic behavior unrestrained while preserving natural color, provisions made for modular upgrades and direct access to all functions.
Moonriver loves vinyl records, analog tapes, compact discs and digital streams and features upgradable modules for all those formats. We employ every technology available today, without staying dogmatically exclusive to one design principle versus another, be it solid state, integrated circuit or vacuum tube.
We are fond of hybrid designs that fuse well known and fresh tech elements, but, most of all, that fit the application.
Made in Sweden
Our products are designed and made in Sweden. We hand-assemble each unit, a painstaking but precise procedure. Through a global inventory that is constantly updated, it is our sophisticated research, efficient development and extensive listening tests -the fun part- that lead us to select the right component for a no-compromise audiophile sound.
We also care for sustainability as well as for reliability. Moonriver products are covered by a 3-year warranty and are designed to last for decades without any need of maintenance.
The 505 Hybrid phono stage
We spent more than 2 years in research and development to achieve this high level of performance. The result is a world class phono stage with features, ergonomics and performance hard to find at any price level. It supports 4 inputs for all your turntables, tonearms and cartridges. It includes every possible adjustment with dedicated knobs & switches to perfectly match your precious MC or MM cartridges and an EQ curve for 78 rpm records. It also saves your settings automatically for each individual input.
Ultra low noise, solid state, hybrid circuitry delivers incredible performance with open, transparent, musical and dynamic sound the well known award-winning formula of Moonriver Audio products. The 505 phono stage will lift-up the performance of your analogue system to an incredible level, no matter if it is an affordable entry-level turntable with a decent moving magnet cartridge or an ultra hi-end system with a precious, very low output moving coil cartridge.
It is designed with audiophiles, record collectors & music lovers in mind. All those colorful nuances, forgotten melodies that are lying hidden in the tiny grooves of 33, 45 & 78 records, will be revealed effortlessly. Sustainability, reliability and ease of service are also included. Natural color & timbre with effortless musicality.
The 404 Reference integrated amplifier
Moonriver Audio is proud to announce a new model, the 404 Reference integrated amplifier which is the improved version of the Standard model. Following the runaway success of The Moonriver Model 404 (Standard) the Reference version moves further, by improving on the already excellent design platform of the Standard 404 model. The form, controls, ergonomics and design are similar, but the major difference is found at the heart of the amplifier: the power supplies.
The Moonriver 404 Reference can drive most speakers in the market to significant levels. WBT nextgenTM speaker terminals ensure the massive flow of current from the amplifier’s output stage, is able to drive even “difficult to drive” speakers. The 404 Reference chassis reduces unwanted resonant vibrations even further with absorbent materials, and better integral mechanical support. The Moonriver 404 Reference must be auditioned to fully savor its enhanced performance.
The 404 integrated amplifier
Moonriver Model 404 is the outcome of a 3-year research, the aim being to achieve incredible performance regardless of price range. The 404 amplifier will extract hidden elements and render textures from within any audio format, with the source, speakers and room to set the limits. Its culture will suit all music, as the Model 404 is by design set to define the faintest nuances of which tone integrity is composed.
A hefty supply section ensures that ample healthy power is available at all times at all stages through separate rails. A fully discrete preamp section serves for acute dynamic awareness, while a high output stage that is custom-optimized for bandwidth and distortion warrants for neutral predisposition and transient fidelity. A laborious selection of components armors the design against tonal alteration, pretentious or not, thus preserving naturalness throughout the shortest feasible path.
Furthermore, an integrated phono stage, a USB DAC, two preamp outputs and a tape monitor loop expand functionality to form an ideally flexible integrated amplifier.
Moonriver 505 Phono Stage won the Product of The Year award!
Moonriver 505 Phono Stage won the LP Magazine Product of The Year Award!
"With the 505, the Swedish manufacturer presents a very special phono preamplifier, which is noticeable at first glance: The machine, which has a decidedly Scandinavian-style outfit, impresses with its successful operating concept, where the pickup adjustment can be changed without any problems even during operation. Fortunately, four pickups can be connected, one of them even symmetrically. In terms of sound, the semiconductor construction impresses with a variable and transparent sound that is perfectly compatible with a large number of pickups".
The LP maganine award
Read the whole review in German here
Read the translated version in English version here
We look forward to meeting you at the Munich HiEnd show 2024!
Please viri us at Hall 2, Booth F11 together with:
OePHI AUDIO speakers & cables
SUPATRAC tonearms
Stereophile | Audio Video Show 2023 | Warsaw | Report by Jason Victor Serinus
"Moonriver showed its new 505 hybrid phono stage and forecast its 606 integrated for 2024 release. Midrange warmth and power were provided in spades through French-made Revival Audio Atalante 3 loudspeakers. As I listened with pleasure, I recalled once again why I went gaga over the Moonriver 404 integrated's gift of quality sound for a reasonable price.".
PMA | TAF 2023 | Midrange Magic 2023 | Report by Robert Schryer
"I’m going to get this out of the way: Every time I visit a On a Higher Note exhibit room, I turn into a sap. I get wishy-washy. I can’t help it. There’s something about the systems that proprietor Philip O’Hanlon is able to put together that allows those systems to not just play back music, but deliver it in a way that invariably pulls on my heartstrings. It’s also probably why Philip has called his audio “road show” — he travels the world spreading his systems’ charms — “Midrange Magic.
What can I say? On tracks by artists Lady Blackbird and Fausto Mesolella, the sound was beguiling and affecting. Vocals sounded rich and living-and-breathing natural; notes sounded both weightless and substantial; tone was clear and pure. And perhaps for the first time in my life, I got the impression that the piano notes I was hearing deep into the soundstage not only launched sustains that sounded delicate and expressive, but were perfect in duration, neither too long nor too short. Just right".
PTA | Best Sound at Munich 2023 | Report by Marc Phillips
"Sometimes I split up my favorite rooms at high-end audio shows into two camps–the finest sound I’ve heard, and the gear I’d most likely pick for myself. These four brands qualify for Best Sound at Munich because they belong to the latter group, the underdogs, the brands that offer incredible sound for the money.
Sonner, Moonriver, OePhi and Pachanko came together in Munich and delivered an amazing system, one that forged emotional connections in a quick and direct way. I expect that from Gunny Surya of Sonner, but he found three other kindred spirits and I think they should do every high-end audio show from now on".
Stereophile | Midrange Magic 2023 | The Art et Son Room by Robert Schryer
"Are you sure there are no tubes in the chain?" I asked On a Higher Note's Philip O'Hanlon, North American distributor of the BBC-inspired Graham Audio speaker line, in Montreal retailer Art et Son's room. Philip was sitting with me listening to an LP of Belgian singer Mélanie De Biasio. He responded to my question with a grin and a chin-jab toward the amplifier in use, a 50Wpc solid state MoonRiver 404 Reference integrated, a modular design that includes such luxuries as a balance control and a stereo/mono switch and can accommodate an MM or MM/MC phono stage and a asynchronous-USB DAC.
I asked because it was hard to believe that the sound I was hearing—intimate, focused, introspective, seamless, super tactile, and vividly colorful—was coming from a solid state amplifier and not, say, a SET amp. This system delivered sound so pure and inviting, I felt helplessly compelled to hang on to every detail. It sucked me in as way few systems can."
Helsinki | HIFI 2022 | Show Report by Kari Nevalainen
"Uncompromising sound at an affordable price range was provided by the Swedish combo Larsen 6.2 speaker and Moonriver 404 Reference. The source was Pear Audio’s Little John turntable with Cornet tonearm.".
On A Higher Note | Midrange Magic 2022 | What the Press has to say
"Montreal Audio Fest 2022, by Suave Kajko: … delivered a performance that was several notches up on the sonic ladder… offered a luscious midrange, with palpable vocals and instruments … this system sang a very rich and energetic rendition of the track… the bass played fantastically deep, offered very good articulation, and simply made me want to get up and dance… lifelike vocals, offering all the nuances I would expect from his voice, and fantastic soundstaging.
The Third Time’s A Charm: Part II, by Maurice Jeffries: Everything O’Hanlon played sounded of a piece, with incredible coherence, superb focus, and scintillating naturalness. Composer/producer/bass guitar wunderkind Marcus Miller’s Siesta soundtrack sounded positively otherworldly, with ambience, air, and electric tension thick enough to cut. A BOS contender, and proof positive that vinyl replay still holds the edge over digital in its ability to engage and delight the inner music lover".
Visit Moonriver Audio sound room at MOC in Munich between 19th and 22th of May at Hall 1, We are introducing our new Moonriver 505 phono stage.
More information can be found at https://www.highendsociety.de
Enjoy The Music | AXPONA | Midrange Magic 2022 | Show report by Greg Weaver
"Philip is quick to acknowledge that the "British Sound" is typically associated with a predominant midrange. He is just as eager to point out that he finds that Graham Audio has been able to push the typical UK midrange magic across the full frequency range, yielding an elevated level of performance.
I must admit, the synergy was undeniable and exhilaratingly musical. With surprisingly good extension at both extremes, this system could deliver an excellent sense of weight while maintaining a finely presented and natural overall balance. The system was well-voiced, neither favoring nor slighting any particular bandwidth, with wonderful dynamic expression. The sound was open, had an indisputable immediacy, and was remarkably emotionally expressive. Very well done, Philip."
SoundStage! | Midrange Magic 2022 | The Best of Florida Audio Expo 2022 by Doug Schneider
"The sound in the On a Higher Note room—which had a Bergmann Audio Modi air-bearing turntable connected into a Moonriver Audio Model 404 Reference integrated amplifier, which was driving a pair of Graham Audio LS8/1 loudspeakers— was flat-out fabulous with every piece of music played. There was plenty of bass, while the midrange was so palpably full, you’d swear that there must be giant tubes somewhere in the system—though there weren’t, because the Moonriver is a solid-state design."
Stereophile | Midrange Magic 2022 | The Art et Son Room by Robert Schryer
"If I haven't been obvious enough about it yet, magic was the theme at this Art et Son room, which exhibited a system that Philip has been touring North America with under the banner "The Midrange Magic Tour," to spread the gospel of—wait for it—midrange magic.
According to the gospel of Philip, "The soul of the music is in the midrange. This is where most of the emotion, the passion, the joie de vivre is contained, the music that lifts our soul to the heavens with happiness or drags it down to the stygian depths of despair." Amen.
It was a beautiful, tender moment, but also disconcerting: People were sitting right next to me. And even though I tried to mentally prepare myself for the next needle drop, I had the same physical response listening to Montreal harpist Isabeau Corriveau's Irish-lilted song, "Blackbird," from her LP A Leap of Faith. Touching? You don't know the half of it. Midrange magic is real.
As Philip is wont to say, and I couldn't agree more: "Lovely!"
The Absolute Sound | The 2022 Florida Audio Expo | Five “Inspirational” Systems by Alan Taffel
"The On a Higher Note Room. Philip O’Hanlon knows his audio gear (and his Irish whiskey) and is unswayed by fads. Case in point: his room at FLAX featured a speaker, the Graham 8/1 ($9k) that according to modern wisdom is built completely wrong, along with a Moon River 404 Reference integrated amp ($5k) that no one has heard of. Yet the sound was phenomenal—extended and naturally rich, with flawless spatial performance and resolution. This from a speaker with a thin wood enclosure, wide baffle, old-tech drivers, no time alignment, and lots of parallel surfaces. Go figure".
Listen to Moonriver Audio amplifiers in Dutch Audio Event on 30th and 31st of October 2021 at the Koningshof, Locht 117 in Veldhoven.
Visit us in Rik Stoet's distribution room.
More information: https://dutchaudioevent.nl/
Experience the Moonriver Audio amplifiers in Hifi Messut exhibition on 30th and 31st of October 2021, at the Helsinki Fair Center Siipi congress facilities and Holiday Inn Expo hotel.
Visit us in Ratilainen Audioshop - H 501 room.
Download the PDF about the exhibition here: https://fokusmedia.fi/messuopas_2021.pdf
More information: https://www.hifimessut.fi/mitauml-ja-missauml.html
Moonriver Audio will be in UK Audio Show on 9th and 10th of October 2021 at the De Vere Staverton Estate.
Visit us in WholeNote distribution room (syndicate 33 and Oxford Suite).
More information: https://www.chestergroup.org/theaudioavshow/2021
Moonriver Audio 404 Reference is introduced Stereophile's Class A Recommended Components list
"The music sounded airier and more colorful and seemed to emerge from a quieter background" than what he'd recently heard through the two more expensive integrateds. "Plenty of bass showed that the low-powered Moonriver 404 Reference has what it takes to drive the challenging Wilson Alexia 2's," he added. Summing up, JVS wrote that the Moonriver 404 Reference "does justice to complex and demanding recordings. It sounds tonally spot on, well balanced, clear, and musical."
More information: https://www.stereophile.com/content/recommended-components-2021-edition-integrated-amplifiers-receivers
Moonriver Audio is present at High-End event on 8th and 9th of February 2020 at Seraton hotel in Stockholm.
Visit us in P.L.AUDIO show room.
More information can be found at http://highendmassan.se/
Moonriver Audio will be in Norddeutschen Hifi-Tage on 1st and 2nd of February 2020 at Holiday INN Hamburg Elbbrücken.
Visit us in LEN HIFI show room #1807
More information can be found here: https://www.hifitage.de/
Our new Norwegian distributor, Hagto Audio presents Moonriver Audio 404 amplifier together with Harbeth speakers on January the 25th at Søgne, Norway.
More information: http://www.hagto-audio.com/
Listen to Moonriver Audio at Roma Hifi exhibition on 23nd and 24th of November 2019 at Mercure West Hotel in Rome.
Visit us in LUXURY GROUP show room.
More information can be found at http://www.milano-roma-hi-fidelity-audio-show.it/Roma_2019_index.html and https://www.facebook.com/Milano.Roma.Hi.Fidelity/
Listen to Moonriver Audio at Hifi exhibition between 22nd and 24th of November 2019 at Holiday Inn Singapore at Orchard City Centre.
Visit us in TIEN AUDIO show room #716.
More information can be found at https://www.facebook.com/SoundSightJournal/
Moonriver Audio will be present at Hifi event between 8th and 10th of November 2019 at Narodowy Stadium in Warsaw.
Visit us in Audiofast #224 show room in the Narodowy Stadium.
More information can be found at https://audioshow.pl/pl/main
Moonriver Audio will be in XFI premium audio show 2019 on 28th and 29th of September at NH Hotel Conference Centre Koningshof in Eindhoven, Netherlands.
See and listen the Moonriver Audio 404 amplifier in Rik Stoet show room.
More information can be found at https://x-fi-audioshow.nl/
Listen to Moonriver Audio at Hifi exhibition on 28th & 29th of September 2019 at Maritim Hotel in Bonn.
Visit us in LEN Hifi show room.
More information can be found at http://www.westdeutsche-hifi-tage.de/
Moonriver Audio will be present at Hifi event between 13th and 15th of September 2019 at Messukeskus Siipi in Helsinki.
Visit us in AudioShop Ratilainen show room.
More information can be found at https://hifi.messukeskus.com/?lang=en
Visit Moonriver Audio room at MOC in Munich between 9th and 12th of May, at room F18 in the 2nd hall. We are introducing new products.
More information can be found at https://www.highendsociety.de
Watch a trailer about the fair here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYtKxrxIj3A
Moonriver Audio will be present at High-End event on 16th and 17th of February 2019 at Seraton hotel in Stockholm.
Visit us in P.L.AUDIO show room.
More information can be found at http://highendmassan.se/
Moonriver Audio will be in Göteborg HiFi-Show 2018 on 15th and 16th of September at Elite Park Avenue Hotel in Göteborg, Sweden.
Visit us in P.L.AUDIO show room on the first floor.
Moonriver 505 Phono Stage won the Product of The Year award! | Possible for a Nobel Prize | Moonriver Audio 505 Hybrid Phono review in LP magazine by Christian Bayer
”The 505 captures the delicacy of Nils Orland and Sigbjörn Apeland's Nordic mélange of a Herdanger fiddle with its additional resonance strings and a harmonium that seems to sound from within the earth with all its finest nuances. Tonally it's beautiful, dynamically incorruptible, totally calm and stable and anchored in the vastness of the north. But it also works with juice and strength. John Scofield, one of my great guitar heroes, has released another dream album with “Uncle John's Band”. Vicente Archer on bass and drummer Billy Stewart, who gets better as he gets older, play on “Mr. Tambourine Man” in the most subtle way. You've definitely never heard the Dylan classic like this before and I can only recommend this ECM recording to you. The Moonriver 505 brings out everything that is on offer in terms of delicate dynamic jumps and tonal delicacies and seduces me to continue listening indefinitely”.
Editor’s Choice Award! | The Ear magazine | Moonriver Audio 505 Hybrid Phono review by Chris Kelly
”This is a masterpiece of audio technology. It seemed as if it had been made to be paired with my LP12 and drew me into long, unfatiguing listening sessions. The build quality is impeccable and, at least to my eyes, it is a very handsome thing too. I can imagine pairing this with the 404 Reference integrated amplifier and living happily ever after with those, my Harbeths and LP12. Whatever I subsequently played through the 505 Hybrid, it seemed to have been voiced as perfectly as any piece of audio equipment of my acquaintance. It must be incredibly challenging for a designer to find the right balance between detail and music flow, between analysis and emotional connection, between light and shade in the subtleties of a performance. Of course this did not come as a great surprise, as I found Moonriver’s 404 and 404 Reference integrated amplifiers to be among the most musically rewarding of any that have graced my system, ever. I may not have enough time left to play every single record in my collection before I am too shaky to lower a stylus safely onto the disc, but with this in my home I would give it my best shot. If you are committed to vinyl replay, as I am, I urge you to seek out and audition this wonderful machine – you will not be disappointed.”.
Moonriver Audio 505 Hybrid Phono HiFi&Music review by Jonas Bryngelsson
”There is even more air and space between the sparse (piano and guitar) notes, which in some way enhance both beauty and distortion in the recording, when the Model 505 is plugged into the system. [...] The music is presented just as it was once played, emphatically showing that this RIAA stage very much plays back the music as it was mixed and finally mastered [...] It is more clearly noticeable that the 505 can display a slightly laid-back, relaxed character. The last thing it does is to throw the music in the face of us who listen. [...] The 505 sorts the fast and densely mixed music in the best possible way”.
Moonriver Audio 505 Hybrid Phono review in HiFi Statement by Carsten Bussler
”Does this phono stage have any weaknesses at all? No. However, if you're looking for whitewashing and lulling euphonic warmth with sugar coating, you've come to the wrong place. The 505 impresses with its enormous transparency and the ability to make the most subtle information audible without ever drifting into the analytical. I really shy away from using the word “perfection” in connection with hi-fi components; tastes vary too much and the risk of wear and tear from excessive use of such attributes is too great. But in terms of its tonal permeability and ability to not add any sound to the music, I think the 505 is perfect. The nice thing about this device is that it has a lasting effect on the listener, because the strengths described only become apparent after listening for a long time, and from then on this fascination remains without any signs of wear and tear. In this respect, it saddens me that I now have to return this phono preamplifier; Such sentimentality rarely happens to me and especially not when there is not a single tube in a device”.
Read the whole review in German here
Read the whole review translated to English here
Editor’s Choice Award! | Moonriver Audio 404 Reference review in The Ear magazine by Chris Kelly
"My system, with the 404 Reference at its beating heart, was as immersive as any I have heard, here or elsewhere. Regular readers will know that one of my favourite pieces is Pink Floyd’s Echoes, which takes up the whole of the second side of Meddle. Its epic sweep has never been better portrayed in my home than it was by this system, with the contribution of each band member clearly heard and placed in the soundstage, without any detriment to the musical flow. Hard to believe that it was released over half a century ago, it sounded so vivid here.
If there was any justice, the name Moonriver Audio ought to be mentioned in the same breath as that of many much more widely acclaimed brands. I congratulate the Moonriver team on this achievement – they are going to have their work cut out to produce something better than this. I know it is only May, but I think I have already identified a shoo-in for one of my Product of the Year nominations”.
Moonriver Audio 404 review in AVF Line magazine by Ywen
"Although Moonriver Audio is a young company, it has entered our sights with many new elements: new positioning, new design, new technology, while also retaining the necessary functions and features in the development process of Hi-Fi. , from which we can see Moonriver Audio’s full sincerity to users. The Model 404 integrated power amplifier is a relatively versatile power amplifier. It has a bland personality and allows the speaker to bring out its characteristics. The retro appearance, neutral and durable sound, the ability to add phono preamplifier and decoding modules, and 100% Swedish manufacturing make the Model 404 an extremely cost-effective integrated amplifier”.
Responsive and Powerful! | Moonriver 404 Reference review in HiFi Review magazine by Chen Haichuan
"Drum Improvisation is crisp, refreshing and energetic with contrast between big and small percussion instruments The soundstage and front-to-back layers are clear. It also makes me think that Model 404 Reference is class AB but it sounds like a class A with higher bias, so it is not only that has delicate tone, but it is also vigorous and lively It also has heart, power and speed when playing the drums.”
Gosh! | Moonriver 404 Reference review in Audio Magazine by Lothar Brandt
"A nice integrated amplifier in the old fashioned way. I didn't miss the DAC board, that belongs to the source anyway. The phono stage can also convince audiophiles. The silky, confident sound of the Moonriver 404 Reference is definitely for connoisseurs. The 404 Reference didn't overwhelm the fine, internal dynamic levels and basically took the listener by the hand for every slight increase or decrease. That was fine, fresh sound that opened up beautifully and transparently.”
Absolutely Divine! | Moonriver 404 & 404 Reference + phono stage MM/MC extensive review in Audiophile FR by Lionel Schmitt
"[...] In fact, I would even go so far as to say that this amplifier is a sort of real “musical bible” which allows us to discover the history and the underlying story of each extract. He works perfectly to focus on each instrument, on the vocal section revealing all the substance and magic of the interpretation, undoubtedly desired by the author – composer – performer.
[...] Listening to the soundtrack of the film Barry Lyndon in turn reserves excellent surprises. Just like the amplifier itself, it is undeniable that the phono section does extensive analysis work. Sensations of intense emotions are perceived without filters. The music is fruity: it opens with absolutely exquisite colored hues.
[...] Several weeks of listening allowed us to understand the musical temperament of these two Swedish integrated amplifiers. MOONRIVER 404 amplifiers are not an exception in themselves in this product category. However, they bring their share of pleasant surprises on all objective and subjective criteria. Extremely musical, devilishly endearing, they are distinguished by a singing temperament in all repertoires. Melodious by nature, their great strength is also their transparency . What if I told you that in the company of these amplifiers, “music is born from silence”?
Beautifully Warm and Expressive Sound | Moonriver 404 Reference review in Esoterica by Steve Holding
"The Moonriver 404 Reference’s ability to deliver the wall of sound with such solidity was the standout experience for me. It’s as if I were being hit by a sonic sledgehammer, particularly in the drumming department. [...] I was impressed by the Moonriver 404 Reference’s ability to create a totally rich soundscape while at the same time making it easy to hear every single sonic nuance from every different instrument. ”
50 watts Beyond Expectations | Moonriver 404 review in Audio Art by Tao Zhonghao
"The Model 404 can make music sound warmer, smoother, and more intimate, while not suppressing the liveliness that should be present in music performance. It can fully demonstrate the openness of the music, and can also reveal the micro and macro dynamics very clearly. It can especially express the micro-dynamics of low passages clearly and delicately. For a comprehensive amplifier with an output power of 50 watts, this performance has completely exceeded my expectations.”.
Dream Maker | Moonriver 404 Reference review in Hi-Fi News by Andrew Everard, Lab: Paul Miller
"There's no overt 'hi-finess' here, but instead an honest, rich and enveloping sound from boogie to sweeping orchestra to sultry jazz. While some will wish for more power, a headphone socket, or even a functioning USB input, the 404 Reference still offers a refreshing alternative to amplifiers with more obvious physical size and swagger.
The fuzzy guitars, relentless drive and growled vocals sounded magnificent here, and you could almost sense the spontaneity of the trio involved in making so big a sound in their California desert studio. It's a thick, heavy and rather fabulous album, and from the straight-rockers to the more menacing – the simmering 'Spanish Fly' and the dark closer, 'Desert High' – the Model 404 Reference creates compelling sonic pictures, full of ambience and hot, dusty atmosphere”.
A Benchmark Integrated Amplifier | Moonriver 404 Reference review in Blog Son-Video by Valentin Lefort
"The Moonriver Model 404 Reference amplifier’s musical performance was incredibly refined. It reproduced each note with great finesse and real attention to detail. The slightest nuances could be clearly heard. The Moonriver Model 404 Reference made us want to listen to our reference tracks louder and for longer to discover hidden details.
With the Moonriver Model 404 Reference, the Swedish manufacturer has renewed its flagship amplifier to offer an even more refined, dynamic and balanced sound. The reproduction is still just as pure, warm and tonally accurate. The Moonriver Model 404 Reference impresses with its ability to combine a warm sound worthy of a tube amplifier with dynamics that can only be achieved with transistors. The 50W per channel easily competes with much more powerful models thanks to a power reserve seldom seen in hi-fi. This ensures an optimal impulse response, deep bass and a perfect power supply for many bookshelf and floorstanding speakers. Lastly, the design inspired by the most elegant models of the 70s and 80s makes this amplifier a real success in every respect, and one of the best references in its price range.”
The value of beautiful music | Moonriver Audio 404 review in TheWave, Thailand’s magazine by Wijit BoonChoo
"Well, if you appreciate the smooth flow of a Class A amp, love the rich, vacuum tube-like end the Moonriver Audio Model 404 's amplification style, brings all the advantages into one device in class AB. And it stands out in that grandiose, bright, wide and deep. It's really impressive!
The Model 404 surely sounds authentic and has a personality. The intention of the design team is to impress with every sound and the satisfaction of the audience is regarded as the most important thing. It is for the listener who wants to own every detail of sound quality and have elegance in every tone.".
The Musical Pass | Moonriver 404 Reference wins a Diamond award in the review by LeBeauSon French magazine
"The Moonriver 404 Reference is A spellbinding device!
The integrated Swedish succeeds in seducing us with a form of expressiveness different from our criteria, more in the human tenderness of a friendly and carefree exchange around a wood fire than the more or less restrained intimate sensitivity of a shiver epidermal. The Moonriver 404 Reference is an amp that exists on its own with an engaged yet perfectly cohesive personality. The proof ? To the dismay of my teammates, I absolutely had no desire to make a comparison, rely on a benchmark. The Moonriver 404 Reference is an amp that exists on its own with an engaged yet perfectly cohesive personality. For the languorous who do not know the sources of their languor, the 404 Reference offers an eternal beauty, that of a certain art of living that only a Jaguar smelling of Connolly leather or a glamorous Aston Martin can release: it is less effective than a McLaren, but it still has another class.
Frankly, if I had the means, I would buy one. Value for money:
Invaluable. One does not negotiate with selfish pleasure, neither that of nostalgia, nor that of an altruistic form of classicism….".
Retro but not retrograde | Moonriver 404 Review in TED French magazine by Michel Dallaire
"When an amplifier sounds good, it doesn't take hours of listening to realize it. Moonriver 404 is one of the few exceptions of which you can sit down and immediately stop asking questions as both a music lover and an audiophile. It has not often happened in my work as an audio columnist that a device forces me to put aside my analysis mode and simply let myself be immersed in the music. Moonriver 404 Integrated Amplifier is one of those exceptions and even though it seems to go against the grain in its design, it is based on sound and timeless values that do nothing but do the music justice.
The 404 is superbly made, easily repairable and its user interface is one of the easiest to use. Despite its modest power, it packs a punch and its sound is simply sublime for its price category. This is yet another device that I have to repack with a twinge of heart! But as my mother often told me, you can't have everything in life".
A comprehensive amplifier | Moonriver Audio 404 Reference extensive review in Hi-AV Chinese magazine by Liao Feisen
"Taking a $6700 integrated amplifier as an example, the Moonriver Audio Model 404 Reference's performance in terms of music texture, solidity, smoothness , macro and micro-dynamics is indeed beyond expectations and beyond value.
The 404 Reference has a dense texture in violins, violas, cellos, double basses and other string groups. The richness, fullness and luster of various wind instruments are surprising and the energy is sufficient.
In addition, its body positioning is extremely precise and does not rush forward, and the usual timpani thump is also solid and stable. The output power of the Moonriver Audio Model 404 Reference is only 50 watts but the power supply delivers a really solid drive, first-class control".
Gentle and moist sound | Moonriver 404 Reference Review in Audio Forum magazine by Hong Ruifeng
"As the time runs and stretches, the 404 Reference is getting more and more comprehensive. The low-frequency timbre definitely forms a school by itself. While playing the song "Queen", a rhythmic kick drum in the opening, was never heard like this. It allows me to hear the very subtle sound of the musician hitting the drumhead. The low frequencies were bouncing shockingly and the sound was more pliable than ever before. Firm, drum-skinned texture, like real, shocking waves in the air.
The guitar performance and the bass sound even more lively. The 404 Reference reveals layer by layer the low-frequencies, and enriches the sound. It's the most "human" sound I've heard recently".
Love for Music | Moonriver Audio 404 Reference review in Audio Home Theater S. Korean magazine by Kim Nam
"No matter what kind of music you play, the richness, dignifiedness, and stability stand out. The realism of vocals and piano, and the majesty and resolution of the large arrangement are also commendable. Visual satisfaction and sound quality are all grade A".
Top Naturalness | Moonriver Audio 404 Reference review in Sound & Vision HiFi Greek magazine by Paris Kotsis
"Consequently, it delivers the most organic tone we have heard from transistors, regardless of price. The 404 Reference has the freest and clearest flow we've ever heard from a solid state amplifier. The most natural regeneration of the attack and the erasure, the most realistic performance of the duration and the way each note beats.
It does not impose anything "by force", but it releases everything in the recording and the speakers like this very much since they seem to bring out their best, especially in the transitional ones. The loads play calmer, fuller and more open under the guidance of the Moonriver Audio, they completely lose their excessive brilliance which is replaced by information but they never darken, since the amplifier is completely flat."
Chris Thomas (the reviewer): “It just flew out of the traps with a confident musical message that just grew and grew. Even from cold it took very little time to get into its stride and after an hour or so I stopped thinking that it could ever sound out of its depth. It was shockingly good but also incredibly charming in its musical style. Tonally, its balance is about perfect. It is both fast and slow as the need arises but the one thing that shines out is the feeling of musical textures that it brings into the room plus the way it allows the music to unfold time-wise without ever sounding rushed or stressed".
Read more in the attached PDF:
Dreammaker & Heartbreaker | Moonriver Audio 404 review in Dutch Hifi Magazine “Music Emotion” by Ruud Jonker
"The Moonriver sounds neutral, very spacious, dynamically very well and has a beautiful focus and detail. Timeless, durable and affordable.
What is inspiring about Moonriver is that it's a beautifully built amp, with excellent performance, an amount of meaningful functionality, reliability, understandable user interface and a long expected life".
Fine-tuned acoustic minimalism! | Moonriver Audio 404 Reference review in Swedish Hifi & Musik magazine by Mats Meyer-Lie
"The 404 Reference model managed to expose fine micro-details and creative, breathtaking depth, towards a calm, quiet and velvet-black background.
This little class AB amplifier delivers all the spellbinding realism and truly tangible sense of presence that usually reserved in low power (expensive!) amplifiers with minimum of components in the signal path. Yes, the cliché ”less is more” is more appropriate when the Model 404 Reference wraps you in an airy, acoustic magic.
The new 404 Reference delivers dynamic resilience and shocking realism that only few offer in the price range".
Applause Award! Moonriver Audio 404 Reference review in Stereonet by James Michael Hughes
"I was immediately impressed by the warmth and weight of the overall sound; the strong and clear bass, plus the sweet richness of Joni Mitchell's voice. The dense layering of background vocals and synthesizers was amazing. I sensed the relaxed ease and fullness you get from good tube designs, but with the immediacy and detail found in the best solid-state models.
The combination of responsiveness, transparency, and a certain relaxed ease makes the 404 Reference musically rewarding to listen to.
I reckon Moonriver Audio's 404 Reference must be one of the best integrated amplifiers currently available. It delivers an outstandingly clear, dynamic, and full-bodied sound, with great timing, plus levels of clarity and refinement that few rival regardless of cost approach. I absolutely loved it. [...] A veritable wolf in sheep's clothing, it offers a monstrous musical performance".
Read the full review here:
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Moonriver Audio 404 review in Alpha Audio magazine by Geoffrey Van Houwaert
"The Moonriver Audio 404 integrated amplifier sounds fantastic. It’s the kind of amplifier you’ve always been looking for. For it possesses the perfect balance of insight and commitment. It is full of temperament and has no intention of playing second fiddle. It plays big with balls and is not at all ashamed of it. In addition, there is transparency and refinement to the point where we get a very complete reproduction. It brings every piece of music regardless of genre with conviction and gusto.
The soundstage is 3D and wide and deep. Not the ultimate soundstage that more expensive components achieve but very good indeed. Engaging, organic, impactful, colorful (not colored), transparent, dynamic, textured, delicate, timbre and vibrant. These are just a few of the adjectives we’ve penned down during our countless listening sessions over the past few weeks. Words are almost insufficient to describe this wonderful amplifier. As far as we are concerned the Moonriver really plays above his class and we do not say that often".
Read the full review here:
Moonriver Audio 404 HiFI+ review by Chris Thomas
"The way that the 404 reveals the musical embellishments, especially in the low mix, is really impressive as is the depth and articulation of the whole soundstage. It has a way with strings that often draws people to tube amplifiers. The warmth and smooth envelope of the notes and the lack of astringency are really notable [...] But this is an amplifier with impeccable balance and poise. Criticism seems harsh as it is such a well rounded design. I have certainly heard amplifiers costing far more that are not significantly better and every design has its limitations. But, considering the very attractive price and the performance offered it just has to be a recommendation from me".
Download the full review in PDF here:
Moonriver Audio 404 Reference 6moons review by Srajan Ebaen
"The 404 Reference combines a dynamically very loaded gestalt with heavy mass. Despite low wattage figures, that combination acts like a muscle amp. High voltage gain means quick torque on the throttle [...] In very meaningful ways, his 404 Reference is what in the natural order of things often becomes the ideal of well traveled audiophiles tired of the endless chase. They want to settle down with something solid, reliable, fully satisfying and simple [...] In that sense, today's Moonriver integrated is a perfect end-game amp with a very gutsy sound and a flush hand of winning features. "
Read the full review here:
Editor’s Choice Award! | Moonriver Audio 404 review in The Ear magazine by Chris Kelly
“Everything I played felt like a live performance, and gave me another level of emotional connection to the music. […] I really felt that I was hearing deep into the recordings, with every instrument in its rightful place […] I genuinely believe that every other aspect of the design, the component selection and the manufacturing have been executed in an exemplary fashion. The team behind it are not just exceptional engineers but are also very obviously music lovers themselves. I am lucky to have a lot of great hi-fi come and go through my system. Much of it I have admired, much of it I have enjoyed, but most of it is packed up and returned with gratitude but without regret. I shall be genuinely sorry to see the Model 404 depart. If I was in the market for a new amplifier this would be at the top of my list. I can’t wait to get my hands on the Reference model – the mind boggles as to how good that is going to be!”
Read the full review here:
Further Reading about Moonriver 404 and OePhi cables by Chris Kelly:
A Dreammaker From Moonriver | Moonriver Audio 404 Reference review in Stereophile by Jason Victor Serinus 02/2020
"A Roon search led me to Trio Tapestry (Qobuz 24/96 FLAC), which is led by saxophonist Joe Lovano with Crispell and percussionist Carmen Castaldi (Qobuz 24/96 FLAC). I couldn’t believe how realistic Castaldi’s gongs sounded on “One Time In.” On “Seeds of Change,” sonics and musicianship were mesmerizing. The varied heights of instruments in the deep and spacious soundstage were enthralling. Everything felt so right that there was nothing to do but bliss out.
I wrote at the beginning of this review that the Moonriver 404 Reference is the least expensive integrated amplfier I’ve had in my system; that makes it difficult for me to proclaim the Moonriver 404 Reference integrated amplfier a new benchmark for sonic excellence in an integrated costing $5000 or less. But I’m tempted to anyway, because it does justice to complex and demanding recordings and it sounds tonally spot on, well balanced, clear, and musical.
For some of you, the Moonriver 404 Reference integrated may be the longed-for component, just waitin’ round the bend, that transports you to audio nirvana. With dutiful attention to setup and component matching, the Moonriver Model 404 Reference integrated amplifer can deliver Class A sound at a Class B price, and joyful listening".
Read the full review here:
The Tannhäuser Gate / Positive Feedback | Moonriver Audio 404 Review from John Marks 11/2020
"It sounds more powerful than 50 Watts. It was also very dynamic, from the smallest gradations of chamber music, to large-scale orchestral works. However, I think that the most important characteristic is the coherence of the sound. I don't want to use the word "smoothness," because that might give the impression of rounded-off highs. The highs are not rounded off. And that's certainly not what the designer intended, because the small script word "fågelsång" on the front panel means "birdsong." There is a very organic "togetherness" to the sound. Both in the time domain, and in the frequency domain. After one of the listening parties, one participant remarked that it was a true measure of how great an audio product the Moonriver 404 is, that nobody really had any comments to make about it. They just listened to it, and enjoyed the music.
To sum up: Highest Recommendation".
Read the whole review here:
A Charming Combination | Moonriver Audio 404 & ATC SCM40 v.2 Review in AUDIOHT magazine 09/2020
"The combination of ATC's SCM40 version 2 and Moonriver Audio's 404 actually sounds very synergistic. The high resolution, high-end ATC monitors have a transparent and three-dimensional sound stage and an accurate, colorless midrange convey the true information of the recording exactly as it is. The recording of a large format, such as the finale of Bernstein and New York Philharmonic's Mahler's Symphony No. 2, reveals a three-dimensional stage with wide left and right depths a deep front and rear depth, and shows the driving force of stable power without collapsing into the center of the stage even in the gun barrel. It is easy to understand the separation of vocals and orchestra instruments, as it shows the strength of the speaker's resolution and detail".
Korean (original) version:
English version (Google Translate):
Review: Moonriver Audio Model 404 in HiFi Philoshophy magazine 06/2020
"Overall, the amplifier turned out to offer a colorful, atmospheric and well-saturated sound, it was also able to reproduce spatial effects, especially holography and reverbs. It doesn't hide the naturalness of the vocals, it was able to create a deep stage, immersing the listener in the music, allowing him to enjoy it. The most important here was the atmosphere, it was a reference to the sound from tubes. No bright light, especially soprano glow - transparent and atmospheric sound at the same time. Translucency was combined with chiaroscuro, the number of details was sufficient, and most of all it included the omnipresent three-dimensional, concerning both the stage and the sounds. Simultaneously, a melange of a good substitute for the most expensive and best amplifiers, for which you can pay tens, sometimes hundreds of thousands.".
Polish (original) version:
English version (Google Translate):
A New Powerhouse | Moonriver Audio 404 Integrated Amplifier Review in AUDIOHT magazine 06/2020
"The Swedish Moonriver 404 is a very good amplifier with the advantage of pure sound that extracts the recording as it is, in a neutral, natural tone with excellent dynamics and modern sound characteristics added to the retro but attractive appearance".
Korean (original) version:
English version (Google Translate):
Classicismo Sueco | A Moonriver Audio 404 Review in HIFICLUBE magazine 05/2020
“The 404 is an amplifier with modern, vibrant and young sound, with a high "athletic" capacity. It is difficult to define the type of the sound: Voices sound clean, clear, without artificial 'chest', which can often be confused with body and texture. It sounds like a thin cambric which, by letting the light through, show us the threads that makes the texture of the fabric: the smallest details are heard as part of the music, and not just as sound 'fireworks'.
The sound is so delicate and rich in information, that even conventional speakers seem to exhibit the characteristics of transparency and harmonic richness typical of electrostatics. It is a unique product from a new brand which can help you to solve the old valve vs. transistor dichotomy, offering colorless transparency, speed and dynamics without "aggression".
Portuguese version:
English version (Google Translate):
Moonriver Audio 404 Review in HIFI Test magazine issue 02/2020
“The 404 plays incredibly direct and doesn't give much the idea of the typical high-end sound. It sounds fresh and out of the box. The sound stage is wide, but has a particularly important effect in depth and height and sounds pleasantly lush. The retro style goes beyond the look. It is a device to touch, but most of all to listen to music, because of its direct and energetic sound which is the actual charm of the amplifier".
Moonriver Audio 404 Integrated Amplifier Review in Stereo+ magazine issue 02/2020
“Absolutely fantastic with full control in the base and with an almost overwhelming musicality. It plays music in an open and transparent way, allowing for full insight into a well-defined three-dimensional soundscape. The Moonriver amplifier is incredibly nimble and precise, and has a transient response that makes your favorite music a festive moment. Everything merges into a rich and vibrant soundscape with massive amounts of information and timbre nuances".
Moonriver Audio 404 Integrated Amplifier Review in VU Metre magazine issue#27 02/2020
“Moonriver 404 impressed us completely with its sound personality. We were amazed by its clarity, and its ability to highlight a considerable amount of micro-information and small details. Your records will seem much more supplied, detailed, and rich than usual. Acoustic instruments take on an almost physical posture, as the 404 seems capable of eradicating the coloration to deliver us only their essential marrow".
Moonriver Audio 404 Integrated Amplifier Review in HighFidelity.pl online magazine 12/2019
“This is an amplifier that plays in such a natural and effortless way that even very expensive devices from other companies can envy it. Its sound is dense, but this density is resulting from good resolution and consistency, not from coloration. The amplifier sounds very natural, saturated and incredibly vibrant. It's a sophisticated sound for not much money".
Moonriver Audio 404 Integrated Amplifier + Larsen 6.2 speakers Review in Finnish Hifimaailma magazine issue #7/2019
“The traditional but also up-to-date Moonriver Model 404 convinced us with its sound and performance. And that is a spectacular device. The amplifier upgrade ability is a big plus, it will meet your needs, the additional modules can be purchased afterwards and are not bad priced".
Moonriver Audio 404 Integrated Amplifier Review in German LP magazine issue #01/2020
"The Moonriver is a beautiful power amplifier of the old school with amazing sonic potential: It sounds fresh, has a clear edge and is clearly one of the most dynamic representatives of its class"
Moonriver Audio 404 Integrated Amplifier Review in Swedish Hifi & Musik magazine #11/2019 in Swedish and English
"A rather amazing amplifier that really floored us and handled all the speakers we hooked up, despite the modest wattage. Moonriver provides hard-to-describe acoustic magic – the sound is of the kind that really must be experienced"
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