A Dreammaker From Moonriver | Moonriver Audio 404 Reference review in Stereophile by Jason Victor Serinus 02/2020

“A Roon search led me to Trio Tapestry (Qobuz 24/96 FLAC), which is led by saxophonist Joe Lovano with Crispell and percussionist Carmen Castaldi (Qobuz 24/96 FLAC). I couldn’t believe how realistic Castaldi’s gongs sounded on “One Time In.” On “Seeds of Change,” sonics and musicianship were mesmerizing. The varied heights of instruments in the deep and spacious soundstage were enthralling. Everything felt so right that there was nothing to do but bliss out.

I wrote at the beginning of this review that the Moonriver 404 Reference is the least expensive integrated amplfier I’ve had in my system; that makes it difficult for me to proclaim the Moonriver 404 Reference integrated amplfier a new benchmark for sonic excellence in an integrated costing $5000 or less. But I’m tempted to anyway, because it does justice to complex and demanding recordings and it sounds tonally spot on, well balanced, clear, and musical.

For some of you, the Moonriver 404 Reference integrated may be the longed-for component, just waitin’ round the bend, that transports you to audio nirvana. With dutiful attention to setup and component matching, the Moonriver Model 404 Reference integrated amplifer can deliver Class A sound at a Class B price, and joyful listening”.

Read the full review here: