Moonriver 505 Phono Stage won the Product of The Year award!

Moonriver 505 Phono Stage won the LP Magazine Product of The Year Award!

"With the 505, the Swedish manufacturer presents a very special phono preamplifier, which is noticeable at first glance: The machine, which has a decidedly Scandinavian-style outfit, impresses with its successful operating concept, where the pickup adjustment can be changed without any problems even during operation. Fortunately, four pickups can be connected, one of them even symmetrically. In terms of sound, the semiconductor construction impresses with a variable and transparent sound that is perfectly compatible with a large number of pickups".

The LP maganine award
Read the whole review in German here
Read the translated version in English version here


We look forward to meeting you at the Munich HiEnd show 2024!

Please viri us at Hall 2, Booth F11 together with:

OePHI AUDIO speakers & cables
SUPATRAC tonearms

Stereophile | Audio Video Show 2023 | Warsaw | Report by Jason Victor Serinus

"Moonriver showed its new 505 hybrid phono stage and forecast its 606 integrated for 2024 release. Midrange warmth and power were provided in spades through French-made Revival Audio Atalante 3 loudspeakers. As I listened with pleasure, I recalled once again why I went gaga over the Moonriver 404 integrated's gift of quality sound for a reasonable price.".

Read the whole report here

PMA | TAF 2023 | Midrange Magic 2023 | Report by Robert Schryer

"I’m going to get this out of the way: Every time I visit a On a Higher Note exhibit room, I turn into a sap. I get wishy-washy. I can’t help it. There’s something about the systems that proprietor Philip O’Hanlon is able to put together that allows those systems to not just play back music, but deliver it in a way that invariably pulls on my heartstrings. It’s also probably why Philip has called his audio “road show” — he travels the world spreading his systems’ charms — “Midrange Magic.

What can I say? On tracks by artists Lady Blackbird and Fausto Mesolella, the sound was beguiling and affecting. Vocals sounded rich and living-and-breathing natural; notes sounded both weightless and substantial; tone was clear and pure. And perhaps for the first time in my life, I got the impression that the piano notes I was hearing deep into the soundstage not only launched sustains that sounded delicate and expressive, but were perfect in duration, neither too long nor too short. Just right".

Read the whole report here

PTA | Best Sound at Munich 2023 | Report by Marc Phillips

"Sometimes I split up my favorite rooms at high-end audio shows into two camps–the finest sound I’ve heard, and the gear I’d most likely pick for myself. These four brands qualify for Best Sound at Munich because they belong to the latter group, the underdogs, the brands that offer incredible sound for the money.

Sonner, Moonriver, OePhi and Pachanko came together in Munich and delivered an amazing system, one that forged emotional connections in a quick and direct way. I expect that from Gunny Surya of Sonner, but he found three other kindred spirits and I think they should do every high-end audio show from now on".

Read the whole report here

Stereophile | Midrange Magic 2023 | The Art et Son Room by Robert Schryer

"Are you sure there are no tubes in the chain?" I asked On a Higher Note's Philip O'Hanlon, North American distributor of the BBC-inspired Graham Audio speaker line, in Montreal retailer Art et Son's room. Philip was sitting with me listening to an LP of Belgian singer Mélanie De Biasio. He responded to my question with a grin and a chin-jab toward the amplifier in use, a 50Wpc solid state MoonRiver 404 Reference integrated, a modular design that includes such luxuries as a balance control and a stereo/mono switch and can accommodate an MM or MM/MC phono stage and a asynchronous-USB DAC.

I asked because it was hard to believe that the sound I was hearing—intimate, focused, introspective, seamless, super tactile, and vividly colorful—was coming from a solid state amplifier and not, say, a SET amp. This system delivered sound so pure and inviting, I felt helplessly compelled to hang on to every detail. It sucked me in as way few systems can."

Read the whole report here

Helsinki | HIFI 2022 | Show Report by Kari Nevalainen

"Uncompromising sound at an affordable price range was provided by the Swedish combo Larsen 6.2 speaker and Moonriver 404 Reference. The source was Pear Audio’s Little John turntable with Cornet tonearm.".

Read the whole report here

On A Higher Note | Midrange Magic 2022 | What the Press has to say

"Montreal Audio Fest 2022, by Suave Kajko: … delivered a performance that was several notches up on the sonic ladder… offered a luscious midrange, with palpable vocals and instruments … this system sang a very rich and energetic rendition of the track… the bass played fantastically deep, offered very good articulation, and simply made me want to get up and dance… lifelike vocals, offering all the nuances I would expect from his voice, and fantastic soundstaging.

The Third Time’s A Charm: Part II, by Maurice Jeffries: Everything O’Hanlon played sounded of a piece, with incredible coherence, superb focus, and scintillating naturalness. Composer/producer/bass guitar wunderkind Marcus Miller’s Siesta soundtrack sounded positively otherworldly, with ambience, air, and electric tension thick enough to cut. A BOS contender, and proof positive that vinyl replay still holds the edge over digital in its ability to engage and delight the inner music lover".

Read the whole report here


Visit Moonriver Audio sound room at MOC in Munich between 19th and 22th of May at Hall 1, We are introducing our new Moonriver 505 phono stage.

More information can be found at

Enjoy The Music | AXPONA | Midrange Magic 2022 | Show report by Greg Weaver

"Philip is quick to acknowledge that the "British Sound" is typically associated with a predominant midrange. He is just as eager to point out that he finds that Graham Audio has been able to push the typical UK midrange magic across the full frequency range, yielding an elevated level of performance.
I must admit, the synergy was undeniable and exhilaratingly musical. With surprisingly good extension at both extremes, this system could deliver an excellent sense of weight while maintaining a finely presented and natural overall balance. The system was well-voiced, neither favoring nor slighting any particular bandwidth, with wonderful dynamic expression. The sound was open, had an indisputable immediacy, and was remarkably emotionally expressive. Very well done, Philip."

Read the whole report here