Classicismo Sueco | A Moonriver Audio 404 Review in HIFICLUBE magazine 05/2020

“The 404 is an amplifier with modern, vibrant and young sound, with a high “athletic” capacity. It is difficult to define the type of the sound: Voices sound clean, clear, without artificial ‘chest’, which can often be confused with body and texture. It sounds like a thin cambric which, by letting the light through, show us the threads that makes the texture of the fabric: the smallest details are heard as part of the music, and not just as sound ‘fireworks’.

The sound is so delicate and rich in information, that even conventional speakers seem to exhibit the characteristics of transparency and harmonic richness typical of electrostatics. It is a unique product from a new brand which can help you to solve the old valve vs. transistor dichotomy, offering colorless transparency, speed and dynamics without “aggression”.

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